Eyal Yanilov

     Eyal Yanilov sa narodil v roku 1959. S tréningom Krav Maga začal v roku 1973 pod osobným vedením jej zakladateľa Imricha Lichtenfelda. pričom od roku 1980 sa stal jeho asistentom. Eyal je jedinou osobou na svete, ktorá vlastní najvyšší stupeň aký bol komu udelení od Imricha Lichtenfelda (Master level 3 / Expert level 8).

Imrich Lichtenfeld

     Imrich Lichtenfeld (Imi Sde-Or is his family name in Hebrew, adopted in the early 60's. It is an exact translation to the meaning of Lichtenfeld - light feld) was born in 1910 in Budapest (at time was city of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). He grew up in Bratislava (the city of Czechoslovakia), in home where sports, law, and Central Europen education were equally respected. Imi became active in wide range of sports with his father. He exceled in wresling, gymnastics and boxing. 

O systéme Krav Maga

     The name Krav Maga is derived from two ancient Hebrew words, krav translated as "combat" and maga translated as "contact" to form the combination "contact combat". Krav Maga was developed in Israel, under realistic demands and conditions. Founder and formed by Imrich Lichtenfeld and continues to advance and be modified by Eyal Yanilov assisted by the top instructors of International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF).

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